Lemon Butter Chicken . You can have Lemon Butter Chicken using 22 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Lemon Butter Chicken Prepare of Bahan A. Prepare 400 g of ayam. Prepare of Bahan B. It's 1 sudu teh of garam. Prepare 1/2 sudu teh of lada sulah. You need 2 cawan of tepung gandum. Prepare of Bahan C. It's 2 of biji telur. You need of Bahan D. You need 4 ulas of bawang putih (dicincang halus). Prepare 4 of sudu besar mentega lembut. It's 1 cawan of air. Prepare 1 of kiub pati ayam. You need 4 of sudu besar jus lemon. You need 1/2 cawan of krim masakan. You need 1/2 cawan of keju parmesan. You need 1 of sudu besar gula. Prepare of Bahan E. You need 1 of sudu besar daun parsley kering. It's 6 of biji tomato ceri(dibelah dua). Prepare of Bahan F. Prepare 300 ml of minyak masak. ...