Healthy Pumpkin Chicken Nuggets . You can cook Healthy Pumpkin Chicken Nuggets using 13 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Healthy Pumpkin Chicken Nuggets You need 430 gram of isi ayam kisar. You need 250 gram of labu kuning rebus dilenyek halus. You need 100 gram of tepung jagung. You need 1 camca of teh garam gunung. Prepare 1 camca of teh thyme Mc Cormick. It's 1 camca of teh rosemary Mc Cormick. It's 1 camca of teh white pepper Mc Cormick. Prepare 1 camca of teh serbuk garlic Hexa Food. It's 40 gram of keju parmesan parut. Prepare 1 camca of teh minyak masak untuk melenser. Prepare 1 of biji telur. It's 1 of mangkuk bijirin nestum (original). Prepare of Minyak masak untuk menggoreng. Healthy Pumpkin Chicken Nuggets instructions Gaul semua bahan di atas kecuali telur,nestum dan minyak masak.Gaul hingga bercampur r...