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Recipe: Tasty Chicken Floss Buns

Chicken Floss Buns. How to make Chicken Floss Buns? Fluffy and tasty chicken floss can be easily made from scratch, by just using simple seasonings. Try this recipe and you will love it!

Chicken Floss Buns Replace the tops and brush a thin layer of mayonnaise on the top. A floss bun (or pork sung bun) is made by rolling a bun in the meat floss or adding floss to make filling. This particular food, is loved by many people all around the world. You can cook Chicken Floss Buns using 13 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Chicken Floss Buns

  1. You need of Roti :.
  2. Prepare 250 g of Tepung high protein.
  3. Prepare 25 g of Gula pasir.
  4. Prepare 2 g of Yis segera.
  5. You need 30 g of tepung susu.
  6. Prepare 1 of Biji Telur.
  7. You need 120 ml of Susu Full Cream.
  8. Prepare 3 g of Garam halus.
  9. You need 40 g of Butter/Marjerin.
  10. It's of Topping :.
  11. It's 4 of Sdb Mayonis.
  12. You need 2 of Sdb Susu pekat.
  13. You need 150 g of Chicken Floss.

Learn how to easily make this Asian bakery style pork floss buns using tang zhong and autolyse method to make the softest fluffiest buns you will ever have. Press the bun gently onto the pork floss to coat. You may need to press gently on the bun to help the floss adhere to the buns. Chicken floss bun or bread Chicken floss sausage bun Chicken floss bun with cup of coffee Delicious chicken meat floss bun in showcase at bakery Chicken floss Buns Chicken floss and.

Chicken Floss Buns step by step

  1. Satukan Satukan semua bahan untuk membuat roti, kecuali Butter dan garam. Putar Selama 5 Minit.
  2. Masukan Butter dan garam, putar kembali hingga Doh menjadi lembut, Kalis dan elastik.(saya putar 20 Minit) Bulatkan Doh. Tutup dengan kain bersih.dan rehatkan doh selama 45-60 Minit hingga kembang dua kali ganda.
  3. Doh setelah kembang.
  4. Tumbuk angin doh perlahan-lahan dan timbang doh seberat 50 gm.
  5. Rouding Doh, dan susun di atas loyang. Tutup dengan kain bersih/plastik wrap. Rehatkan doh selama 15 Minit..
  6. Panaskan oven selama 15 Minit dengan suhu 160 darjah Celcius. Bakar roti Selama 15 Minit dengan suhu 160 darjah Celcius. Angkat dan letak roti di atas cooling rack..
  7. Satukan Mayonis dan Susu pekat, lalu kacau sebati..
  8. Setelah roti sejuk, sapukan permukaan roti dengan Campuran Mayonis, dan tabur dengan chicken Floss..

Make your savory chicken floss buns and make cute little sweet cakepops to decorate! This signature floss bun once captured many bread lovers' attention when it was first launched in Singapore and Malaysia, and I was Meat Floss Mayonnaise Buns. Meat floss can be made from chicken, pork, and even fish! They are delicious eaten as is, or as a companion to congee (my favorite!), or stuffed into sandwiches, and in fact, a lot of Chinese bakeries. Homemade floss is fluffy, savory popular Chinese snack you may find topped at congee or stuffed in soft buns.


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