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Easiest Way to Make Delicious Ayam Masak Kapitan || Nyonya Kapitan Chicken Curry

Ayam Masak Kapitan || Nyonya Kapitan Chicken Curry. Kapitan chicken (Ayam Kapitan in Malay) is truly a Malaysian curry, the amalgamation of the diverse array of Malay, Chinese and Indian eating culture. Kapitan chicken (Ayam Kapitan in Malay) is truly a Malaysian curry, the amalgamation of the diverse array of Malay, Chinese and Indian eating culture. The unique flavor of this Nyonya chicken dish is the result of the complex interplay of a myriad of herbs and spices used by the Malays and Chinese.

Ayam Masak Kapitan || Nyonya Kapitan Chicken Curry One of my favorite food in Malaysia kinda involve curries, and they come in so many different flavor and variety, chicken, fish, lamb, and depend Chicken Curry Kapitan. Chicken Kapitan is another delicious Nyonya Food we could taste in our recent tour to Malacca/Malaysia. The Nyonya food, also known as Peranakan cuisine is found in Malaysia & Singapore. You can cook Ayam Masak Kapitan || Nyonya Kapitan Chicken Curry using 15 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Ayam Masak Kapitan || Nyonya Kapitan Chicken Curry

  1. It's of Bahan Kisar.
  2. You need 1 of biji bawang besar.
  3. Prepare 5 ulas of bawang putih.
  4. It's 1 of inci halia.
  5. You need 1 of inci lengkuas.
  6. It's 3 batang of serai.
  7. It's 6 helai of daun limau purut.
  8. Prepare 3 of tangkai daun ketumbar.
  9. It's 15-20 of tangkai cili kering (rebus dan kisar).
  10. You need of Bahan Perasa.
  11. It's 2 of sudu besar air asam jawa.
  12. Prepare 3/4 kotak of santan (200ml).
  13. You need 2-3 sudu teh of garam.
  14. It's 1 of sudu besar gula.
  15. Prepare 1 sudu teh of serbuk secukup rasa.

They are a Taste of Chicken Kapitan is bit different from the SriLankan Chicken Curry. A rich Nyonya Style Chicken Curry, also known as Kapitan Chicken Curry, that is the epitome of Malaysian flavours! SET A Nasi Kukus Ayam Masak Kari Kapitan Telor Dadar & Sayur acar Nyonya. Chicken Curry Kapitan is a popular dish that embodies the history of Malacca.

Ayam Masak Kapitan || Nyonya Kapitan Chicken Curry step by step

  1. Sediakan ayam lebih kurang 5-6 ketul bahagian ayam, masukkan sedikit kunyit dan perasa untuk digoreng..
  2. Goreng ayam seketika. Jangan terlalu kering dan garing. Agak-agak darah dan isi ayam masak sepenuhnya. Angkat dan toskan..
  3. Dengan menggunakan sedikit baki minyak gorengan ayam, tumis bahan kisar hingga naik bau dan garing..
  4. Kemudian, masukkan cili kisar. Tumis hingga pecah minyak..
  5. Masukkan ayam yang telah digoreng tadi. Gaul sekata..
  6. Masukkan 2 sudu air asam jawa dan sedikit santan. Gaul hingga sebati.
  7. Apabila tumisan kering, masukkan sedikit air untuk sebatikan tumisan..
  8. Masukkan perasa seperti garam, gula dan serbuk secukup rasa. Adjust rasa ikut citarasa sendiri..
  9. Akhir sekali, masukkan hirisan daun bawang dan daun ketumbar..
  10. Sedia untuk dihidang. Selamat mencuba. ๐Ÿ™.

It combines Indian curry with Malaysian and Chinese ingredients. Most of these ingredients such as fresh turmeric, galangal, lemongrass and lime leaves can easily be found in any. Nyonya Chicken Curry - Chicken curry is made with bone-in chicken and curry leaves are used to infuse the chicken curry with their intense fragrance. Nyonya loves their chicken curry, or kari ayam in Malay. When it comes to making chicken curry, I always choose the easy way out—I buy.


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