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Recipe: Yummy Chicken Curry Paratha Puff

Chicken Curry Paratha Puff. I make curry puffs with frozen roti prata (roti canai). I make curry puffs with frozen roti prata (roti canai). Your curry won't go to waste but becomes a delicious snack.

Chicken Curry Paratha Puff It is a small pie consisting of curry with chicken and potatoes in a deep-fried or baked pastry shell. In this video, Wonders of Kitchen described How to make Chicken Curry and Puff Sheets which gives a unique taste to your Chicken Curry Puffs. Your Subscribes, Likes and Comments are the only way to encourage us more for keep presenting more video recipes like. You can have Chicken Curry Paratha Puff using 13 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Chicken Curry Paratha Puff

  1. Prepare of Roti Paratha jenama Kawan.
  2. Prepare 200 g of ayam kisar.
  3. You need 2 of biji kentang saiz besar (potong dadu).
  4. It's 1 of biji bawang merah besar (kisar kering).
  5. You need 2 ulas of bawang putih (kisar kering).
  6. It's 1 of inci halia (kisar kering).
  7. Prepare 2 of tangkai daun kari (racik halus).
  8. You need 3 of sudu besar Rempah Kari.
  9. You need 2 of sudu besar serbuk cili.
  10. It's of Garam dan gula.
  11. Prepare of Serbuk perasa.
  12. You need Daun of ketumbar / daun bawang / daun sup (diracik halus).
  13. Prepare 1 of biji Telur dikocok.

Chicken Curry Puffs. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. If the puffs are browning too quickly, reduce the temperature to low, then increase again towards the end of cooking to help crispen the pastry. This little curry puff is a very popular snack in Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. The official name in Thailand and Malaysia is "Karipap", spelled เธ The most popular filling is chicken with potato, flavored with curry powder, but it's not limited to just chicken.

Chicken Curry Paratha Puff instructions

  1. Sediakan bahan..
  2. Tumis bawang merah, halia dan bawang putih yang dikisar kering. Masukkan juga daun kari yang diracik halus dan ayam kisar dan gaul hingga masak. Tambahkan serbuk kari dan serbuk cili. Tumis hingga sebati dan pecah minyak sedikit..
  3. Masukkan kentang yang dipotong dadu. Tambahkan sedikit air untuk empukkan kentang. Perasakan dengan garam, gula dan serbuk perasa secukupnya. Gaul hingga sedikit kering. Masukkan daun sup..
  4. Masak hingga kentang empuk dan kuah sedikit kering. Tutup api dan biarkan inti sejuk seketika..
  5. Sediakan roti paratha. Jangan defrost sebab doh akan jadi terlalu lembik dan sticky. Potong setengah roti paratha. Letakkan inti di tepi bahagian yang dipotong..
  6. Lipatkan kulit paratha tersebut dan tutup di tepi bahagian dengan garfu. Sapukan kuning telur di atas permukaan. Bakar dalam air fryer dengan suhu 190 darjah untuk 15 minit..

Beef is also a popular filling choice as well. The Best Thai Panang Chicken Curry we've ever made. Cancel your takeout order and give it a try! These curry puffs are fabulous hot or cold and perfect for taking to parties or picnics. Try this tasty recipe and see for yourself.


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