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Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy Chicken Carbonara Spaghetti with Baked Potato

Chicken Carbonara Spaghetti with Baked Potato.

Chicken Carbonara Spaghetti with Baked Potato You can cook Chicken Carbonara Spaghetti with Baked Potato using 24 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Chicken Carbonara Spaghetti with Baked Potato

  1. You need of Spaghetti.
  2. Prepare of packs of spaghetti (@400 gram).
  3. Prepare of oil.
  4. You need of Water for boil.
  5. You need of Chicken Carbonara.
  6. Prepare of of margarine.
  7. It's of Half cup of chopped garlic (take at least 5 or 6 cloves).
  8. You need of of boneless chicken.
  9. You need of of chicken carbonara 'prego' sauce.
  10. You need of of evaporated milk.
  11. It's of of corriander.
  12. Prepare of of salt.
  13. Prepare of of blackpepper.
  14. Prepare of of pepper.
  15. Prepare of pack of chicken sausage (optional).
  16. You need of A cup of cheddar cheese.
  17. Prepare of of chicken powder.
  18. It's of Baked potato.
  19. It's of potato.
  20. It's of nutmeg powder.
  21. Prepare of salt.
  22. Prepare of chili flakes.
  23. It's of pepper.
  24. Prepare of Half cup of garlic (use 5 or 6 cloves garlic).

Chicken Carbonara Spaghetti with Baked Potato instructions

  1. Boil the water within 5 minutes, add oil. If the water is boiled, add the spaghetti, simmer for at least 15 minutes. Dont forget to stir the spaghetti to avoid it stick on your pan..
  2. Boil the chicken with corriander powder until its done. Shred the chicken after its chill and rest it. Cut the sausage into 2 pieces and chopped with small size..
  3. Boil the potatoes to avoid it hard to chew after baked. Boil within around 15 minutes until its half done..
  4. Cook the margarine, add the chopped garlic, wait until its half done. Pour the evaporated milk and chicken carbonara prego. Mix it use a whisk to avoid lump. Wait the sauce until its thick, and add the shreded chicken and sausage. Add the chicken powded, salt, pepper, and blackpepper..
  5. Add chopped garlic, nutmeg powder, salt, pepper, chili flakes, and blackpepper into the half done boiled potato. Use the anti-sticky pan to bake it if you dont have an oven. If you have an oven, use a light temperature within 10 minutes just for make it done. You can marinate the potatoes with the seasoning as mentioned above within 10 minuted before baked..


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